How to choose a good christian husband

How to choose a good christian husband

how to choose a good christian husband

A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. Matthew 7:. You can tell by a person’s actions and attitude if they are a true follower of Christ. When I was a single woman I didn’t know much about the Bible nor exactly what to look for in my future husband. Choosing a Good Husband: A Guide for Christian Women. Related Media. This study can be used as an individual personal enrichment, or in the context of a small group or Bible study setting. There are questions throughout that lend this material to a curriculum or discussion opportunity. The NKJV Study Bible explains it this way: “A Christian husband should be intimately aware of his wife’s needs, her strengths and weaknesses, and her goals and desires. He should know as much about her as possible in order to respond in the best way to her.” Worldly way of finding a husband or wife. Because every person needs a partner at some point in life, the world has provided its ways of finding a husband or wife.

The world, Satan, is a snare to Christians and many have fallen to its deception. The world tells you, ‘go and search for a husband or wife‘. It teaches and gives you everything you need but it neither promises nor guarantees a perfect heavenly partner. 14 Principles For Finding A Godly Wife Or Husband. It will cultivate good qualities in you such as forward thinking, planning, diligence, and hard work and it will increase your self-esteem so that you don’t feel as devastated by being single. It will also increase your confidence and attractiveness. In particular, Proverbs 31 offers some clarity about what trajectories of life to look for in a spouse. The description here looks back across many faithful seasons in the life of a virtuous woman, but we can also think of many of these characteristics in terms of what a woman should be looking for in the life-direction of a man. 1.

Compare Goals, Values and Dreams It’s important that your ideal husband have equivalent intelligence and energy levels, according to marital therapist Willard F. Harley, Jr., Ph.D., on his Marriage Builder’s site. Choose someone who shares your values and goals so you are going in the same direction. Your choice of a husband or wife should not be based on physical looks but of good understanding and beautiful countenance. ISam25:3. Good understanding the bible says giveth favor Prov.13:15. He that findeth a wife finds a good thing. Prov18:22. Favour is better than labour. Go for a wife with insight of God way and His word. Guidelines are what they are; guidelines. They are given to help you make the right decision. They’re not a guarantee for a happy marriage but they will give you a good chance at it. 18 Tips for Choosing the Right Partner for a Happy Married Life. 1.

Wait till you’re mature enough How to be a Good Christian Wife is to remain faithful to the Lord and allow the fruits of the spirit to work in your life. Don’t just talk about Christianity but live it. Fall in love with Jesus and choose to walk in joy, forgiveness, cheerfulness, kindness and peacefulness.

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